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Did you ever imagine that conflict isn't bad, but in fact, natural and even healthy? Correctly handling conflict leads most couples to more honesty and intimacy in their relationships.
Video explains the Anatomy of Anger. And if you handled this anger correctly, you actually get closer to your boyfriend/girlfriend or spouse.
This video helps you understand the difference men and women have in communicating with each other. My tips quickly improve your communicating with your significant other and increases your relationship intimacy.
Video gives tools for improving listening skills. Goal is for couples to learn how to better understand each other. Understanding doesn't always equal agreement.
God freeing me from my 11-year pornography addiction.
America is rapidly Browning. America doesn't know what it is missing cross-culturally because it seems we seldom allow ourselves in mutually beneficial situations, where we can learn and profit from our differences. It is well worth the effort, but it does require some work. Let Clarence help you as he draws on his more than [...]